
Payment methods accepted in Kimondo

In Kimondo you can place your order in a completely secure way by choosing one of the following methods on the order page:

Credit or debit card

The card payment system works through the ServiRed secure payment platform, where you will be redirected at the time of payment to enter your card details in a totally secure encrypted environment with SSL encryption.

Your card payments are now even safer thanks to the new PSD2 regulation that allows a mobile phone to be required as a double authentication factor in the purchase so that it provides greater security for the buyer.

We accept payment with cards Visa: Classic, Gold, Electron, Platinum, Infinite. Mastercard: Standard, Gold, Maestro, World Elite, Virtual, Platinum.

This payment method has no additional costs.


You will be able to pay quickly and securely with your PayPal account without sharing financial information.

PayPal automatically encrypts sensitive data with the help of the best technologies available on the market.

More information here. This method of payment has no additional costs.

Secure payment and confidentiality of your data


The Kimondo website has the GeoTrust SSL Security Certification, which guarantees the total confidentiality of your data thanks to the most advanced encryption technologies (SSL 128 bit). If you pay by card or PayPal, you can do it quickly and safely, without sharing financial information. Both PayPal and Comercia Global Payments automatically encrypt sensitive data with the help of the best technologies available on the market. Check the new European regulations for online payments

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